Questions about the Handling Package


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Verified Order/Owner
Apr 24, 2023
I have an order in for a Dark Horse and included the handling package. I have a couple of questions and wanted to see if anyone here has some answers:

1. Will the handling package tweak the car for the track or will it make it better for everyday driving and/or some twisty roads? I don't plan to track it and want to make sure the handling package doesn't stiffen up the suspension.
2. How does it affect the magna ride? The base dark horse already has magna ride.
3. It says it comes with front tow hooks. Are these already installed and if so, are they visible? I hope they don't stick out for everyday driving and are tucked away or something that I can keep in the trunk until needed.

I'm super excited about the Dark Horse. the 5.0 mustang was my dream car growing up and I've always wanted one and figured it was time to get one before everything goes hybrid/electric.
I have an order in for a Dark Horse and included the handling package. I have a couple of questions and wanted to see if anyone here has some answers:

1. Will the handling package tweak the car for the track or will it make it better for everyday driving and/or some twisty roads? I don't plan to track it and want to make sure the handling package doesn't stiffen up the suspension.
2. How does it affect the magna ride? The base dark horse already has magna ride.
3. It says it comes with front tow hooks. Are these already installed and if so, are they visible? I hope they don't stick out for everyday driving and are tucked away or something that I can keep in the trunk until needed.

I'm super excited about the Dark Horse. the 5.0 mustang was my dream car growing up and I've always wanted one and figured it was time to get one before everything goes hybrid/electric.

The handling package does have stiffer springs. The magna ride dampers are adjustable but overall you will still have stiffer springs. My guess is that even though you have stiffer springs the adjustable magna ride should allow you to adjust the compression and rebound to something that is acceptable for everyday driving IMO.

The handling package also has wider tires but from what I have heard the same size tires didn't cause excessive tramlining with the GT350R. If you have average and above average roads I wouldn't worry at all.
Good questions. I was wondering some of the same things. I do not plan to track this car. Going to drive it to work on nice nice days and weekends. Hoping the Handling package still provides a reasonably comfortable ride. Did not opt for Recaro seats for that reason