Placed Dark House Deposit Today


Verified Order/Owner
Oct 25, 2022
I am on the books. I got no information but placed my deposit today with the dealer. Super excited about this car and the engine. I have a heavily modified 2006 that I love. Looking forward to this one. Really wanted a GT350R but I am glad I waited for the more modern interior. My 2006 is my throwback, I wanted something with more tech on the inside.
Welcome to the forum and congrats on the deposit! Are you first in line at the dealer for one?
I don't think so, I am still trying to find out. It would be cool if I was.
I called and asked if they had any scheduled for their dealership. Guy was clueless and kept telling me they had a bunch of mustangs but didn’t know what a dark horse was. Going to have to go in person and talk to someone.
Congratulations on the purchase, can't wait to get updates on your status. Hopefully in another month or so some more concrete information will start to trickle out.