Hi from Oz


New member
Verified Order/Owner
Jul 28, 2023
Hi, Thanks for allowing me on this forum. I live in sunny Queensland, Australia. Currently own a 2021 GT coupe in twister orange. Ordered the DH (Blue Ember, Auto) in September 2022 but Australia is still waiting for full specs and pricing. Might arrive qtr 1, 2024 we hope.
Hello Ozboy! Are you holding on to the 2021 GT along with your DH? Honestly I am not sure anymore when we will start getting cars here in the USA. I am Blue Ember too with painted stripes.
Hi BSpankinAz. Would love to keep the GT but the $$$ are not that plentiful. Would also need to build another garage. There is always the lottery I suppose.
Welcome to the site, glad to have you aboard... first member from Australia I believe!